Give a voice to your cosmetics

Let your consumers know your cosmetic products are safe.


A labeling revolutionto promote the safety
of cosmetics on the market

Nowadays, there is an increasing demand from consumers for information about the components and safety of cosmetic products. Indeed, in a world saturated with brands, ranges, products, it is becoming difficult to spot healthy and compliant products.

It is therefore our mission to promote consumers awareness about the safety of their beauty products.

safecosmetic is an independent certification label whose mission is to inform users about the safety of cosmetic products and to offer brands a technology allowing to reassure their consumers about the safety of their products and to offer infinite information and marketing opportunities.


Features& advantages

Inform customers about safety

Thanks to the QR-code, your consumers will receive a reassuring and informative report on your product (statement of safety by BIORIUS, list of ingredients, possible allergens, contraindications, etc.).

Big data & analytics

Thanks to analysis each time a QR code is scanned, you will gather a lot of information useful to plan further marketing actions accordingly (number of scans, countries, stores, etc.).

Marketing tools

Besides providing information, safecosmetic creates a propitious environment for marketing actions. Indeed, it is possible to add various marketing tools for the promotion of your products through the QR code (makeup tutorials, special offers, associated products, contests, etc.).

How does itwork ?


Send us your product data

If we do not already have your product data, you have to send them to us to allow our regulatory team to check the compliance of your product. This step is necessary before being allowed to use safecosmetic logo.

Affix the safecosmetic certification logo and the QR code on your packaging

After validation of your product safety, we provide you the final authorization to affix the safecosmetic certification logo and the unique QR code linked to your product on your packaging.

Scan of the QR code by consumers

During their shopping trip, consumers scan the QR code to check the safety of your product and to get information about it (allergens, ingredients, etc.). They are also aware of any contests or special offers and they can interact in any other way.

Try andsee


Do not hesitate to contact us


Rue Joseph Wauters 113
7170 Fayt-lez-Manage
+32 2 888 40 10

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